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Victanis supports innovation!

Victanis Advisory Services GmbH

Victanis is a partner of the Cyber West Challenge, a contest aiming to encourage the emergence of innovative start-ups with high potential in the cyber sector within the Morbihan area. Cybersecurity is the deterrent of tomorrow, its importance is growing exponentially as threats proliferate that attack even our everyday work tools and networks.

The Cyber West Challenge Contest is for:

cyber west challenge victanis partenaire

  • French or foreign companies involved in the field of cyber defense or cybersecurity;
  • Start-ups and entrepreneurs who offer a service, a product or a process;
  • Students or researchers who whish to develop a project or develop an idea.


This competition allows the candidates to access a panel of experts who will carry out, throughout the selection phase, a technical and commercial analysis of their proposition with the aim of answering 3 essential questions:

  • Is the project technically relevant?
  • Does the organisation have the skills and network to carry it through?
  • What are the real market opportunities?


The deadline for applications is March 31, 2018.

You can find more information on the website dedicated to this contest:





Eric Lambert