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Victanis - Value presentation renewables

Project evaluation
  • Understanding Technologies (Performance, Capex, Opex, ...)
  • Legal / Administrative Issues
  • Financial Models
  • Commercial Due Diligence
Buy & sell advisory
  • Teaser
  • Procedure
  • Approaching Sellers / Buyers
  • Negotiation, Signing, Closing
Bridge financing
  • Teaser
  • Procedure
  • Negotiation, Signing, Closing
Cooperations & joint ventures
  • Project Development Joint-Ventures
  • Fee-Structuring for JV Partners
  • Exit-Strategies
PPA (Power purchase agreements)
  • PPA Models and Strategies
  • Negotiation
  • Bankability
  • Solutions
  • Profitability
  • Business-Models

What are my main challenges?

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What solutions are available to me?

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