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Victanis' Blog by Marc de Thomasson

Marc de Thomasson
Marc de Thomasson | November 24 2023


Victanis has supported Socotec to reinforce and diversify their environmental division to become the UK’s leading provider in remote monitoring and advanced geospatial solutions in Infrastructure, Utilities, Energy, Aviation and Construction with the acquisition of IETG and 40SEVEN.

Marc de Thomasson | February 20 2023

Victanis advises the SOCOTEC Group on the successful acquisition of Shore Engineering

Victanis has provided comprehensive support to SOCOTEC UK, a leading provider of risk management and compliance services to the construction and infrastructure sectors, during its acquisition of Shore, a specialist provider of building control, health and safety and Construction Design and..

Marc de Thomasson | February 10 2023

Victanis advises Quadrant Building Control as it joins Socotec Group

Victanis Advisory Services has been acting as corporate advisor throughout the preparation and successful sales process of Quadrant Approved Inspectors (QAI), a leading provider of building control services for commercial and residential projects.  QAI has been acquired by Socotec Group.

Marc de Thomasson | August 24 2022

Victanis Advisory Services supports Charterhouse Capital Partners in their Successful Investment in Amtivo Group

Victanis has recently completed detailed and comprehensive due diligence exercise in support of Charterhouse’s investment in Amtivo.

Marc de Thomasson | November 6 2021

Victanis advises James Fisher & Sons plc on the successful disposal of specialist Construction Materials Testing business James Fisher Testing Services to Phenna Group

Victanis Advisory Services has been James Fisher plc’s acting corporate advisor throughout the preparation and successful disposal process of James Fisher Testing Services (JFTS), a specialist provider of material testing services to the construction and infrastructure markets in UK and Ireland...

Marc de Thomasson | January 29 2021

Victanis advises the VOLARIS Group (part of the Constellation Software Group) on the successful acquisition of specialist TMS software solutions Eurekâ Technology in France

Victanis has provided comprehensive support to Volaris Group, a leading provider of vertical market tehnology solutions, during its acquisition of Eurekâ Technology, a specialist provider of software solutions to the transportation sector in France.

Marc de Thomasson | April 6 2020

Victanis in 2019 : a year in review!


Given the disruption that we’re all currently experiencing, it’s been a curious experience to revisit the areas Victanis has covered in 2019 across our London, Paris and Munich offices. Who knows when we will return to something resembling normality but 2019 at least demonstrated Victanis..

Marc de Thomasson | May 14 2019

Victanis advises the SOCOTEC Group on the successful acquisition of specialist building control and fire consultancy Butler & Young Group

Victanis has provided comprehensive support to SOCOTEC UK, a leading provider of risk management and compliance services, during its acquisition of Butler & Young Group, a specialist provider of building control and fire consultancy services in UK and Ireland.

Marc de Thomasson | February 17 2019

Victanis in 2018: A Year in Review


It was a full year for Victanis in 2018! Not all the processes we were involved in ended in successful outcomes for our clients but in a busy year, we continued to endeavour to give our clients impartial and expert advice on their own business and opportunities for expansion as well as..

Marc de Thomasson | November 6 2018

International business development: which direct investments are available when expanding internationally?

When a business seeks to expand internationally, there is usually a robust decision making process to confirm the opportunity and finalise the way forward. Work goes into analysing the situation, securing funding, and selecting the target country – all of which are essential steps in building a..

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