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Defence & Security Consulting Services

The European defence and security industry is a leading economic sector with more than 100 billion euros of annual turnover and employing an estimated 600,000 people directly and 1.5 million people indirectly.

The industrial strategy of the largest European countries has been built around a succession of sizable, structuring and high-tech projects and relies on a limited number of national prime contractors that generally also work in the civil sector, but also on a growing number of innovative SMEs that usually operate as suppliers.

Budgets allocated to defence and security projects are currently increasing and offer all companies operating in the sector real growth prospects providing these companies succeed in innovating; in improving their commercial capability; in creating new synergies through technology partnerships or for example by carrying out major programs in joint industrial cooperation; in building new production sites to get closer to their customers and reduce their production costs; and in expanding their offer of valued services to reduce their dependency on selling only products and systems.

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